TRUMPF Gala 100 – First fully immersive anniversary event

Whether in the national press or in the social media – it is present everywhere: The high-tech company TRUMPF celebrates its 100th birthday this year. We at what when why were right in the middle of it all and put together several genuine centennial events for the world market leader.

It all started with the Gala 100, which took place in the award-winning and fully glazed “Blautopf”, TRUMPF’s company cafeteria in Ditzingen.This was completely transformed for the VIP evening: During the fully immersive evening program, the company history was staged in three acts.

The journey took guests through technology gates that brought 100 years of TRUMPF’s innovation history to life. Local ties, worldwide presence, as well as TRUMPF’s people and future were the focus. Prominent guest speakers and an exciting talk on the topic of quantum computing testified to great appreciation as well as consistent future orientation.

Verfasst von Carsten Knieriem

Carsten Knieriem ist Autor des Buches Smarte Events und begeistert sich seit Jahren für die Gestaltung moderner Event- und Kommunikationsformate. Mit einem feinen Gespür für relevante Themen und einem klaren Blick fürs Wesentliche schafft er es, komplexe Ideen verständlich und mitreißend zu vermitteln. Seine Mischung aus fundiertem Wissen und leidenschaftlicher Begeisterung bringt stets frische Perspektiven in Diskussionen – authentisch, praxisnah und inspirierend.

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