New Horizons: what when why opens new office in Cologne

The agency from Ludwigsburg in Germany, what when why, is growing and opened its first branch office in the western part of Germany. Since August 2024, the business has new premises in Cologne that are managed by Karlotta Thelen, Consultant for Communication & Strategy. With this expansion what when why have not only enhanced their regional presence but their position as the leading provider of event-centered communication solutions.

Strategic site for creative growth

Cologne, known as a vibrant center for business and creativity, provides ideal prerequisites for the further development of the agency. Karlotta Thelen has a degree in media and business psychology and has been a part of the team since August 2022. With her comprehensive expertise in live communication as well as her core competence in communication consulting, she is particularly well-suited for building up sustainable customer relationships through effective consulting.

Strong roots, ambitious visions

Since their foundation in 2013, what when why have made a name for themselves as specialists for event-centered B2B communication campaigns. Their team develops customized 360° concepts for onsite, hybrid and digital events and has prestigious customers such as TRUMPF, DÜRR, VOITH, Mercedes-Benz and Armacell.

The agency has won several awards – including the BrandEx Award in the category “Best Corporate Event” and they stand for innovation, quality and sustainability.

New perspectives with Cologne appeal

Their expansion to Cologne is more than just a geographical step. It is a statement that stands for growth, proximity to the customer and the will to become creatively involved in the western part of Germany. With fresh ideas and the experience they gained in Ludwigsburg, what when why continues to focus on excellent live communication that inspires and delights.

Verfasst von Carsten Knieriem

Carsten Knieriem ist Autor des Buches Smarte Events und begeistert sich seit Jahren für die Gestaltung moderner Event- und Kommunikationsformate. Mit einem feinen Gespür für relevante Themen und einem klaren Blick fürs Wesentliche schafft er es, komplexe Ideen verständlich und mitreißend zu vermitteln. Seine Mischung aus fundiertem Wissen und leidenschaftlicher Begeisterung bringt stets frische Perspektiven in Diskussionen – authentisch, praxisnah und inspirierend.

Gold for what when why – first time round

Gold for what when why – first time round

Ludwigsburg-based live communication agency “what when why” has won a gold BrandEx Award in the “Best Digital Event” category and a bronze award for all submissions in the “Best of Best” category. The project “Dürr Open House 2021” was recognized with the highest honor at the BrandEx Awards 2023 on January 10th in Dortmund. The BrandEx Award is the most prestigious award for live communication in Germany and is presented by the Association of Event Industry (fwd).

’what when why’ intensifies its climate protection

’what when why’ intensifies its climate protection

The agency ’what when why’ from Ludwigsburg continues to expand its social and ecological commitment. On the one hand, the agency was officially certified as a climate-neutral company by ClimatePartner. Beyond that in the future national and internationally only climaticneutral Events are planned and converted.

Carsten Knieriem and Stefan Luppold present the reference book “Smart Events“

Carsten Knieriem and Stefan Luppold present the reference book “Smart Events“

We know about live events. Digital and hybrid ones too. But what are Smart Events? Carsten Knieriem and Stefan Luppold define the Smart Event in their guidebook as follows: “… a clever, modern, strategically and in terms of staging precisely fitting live communication.” What that means exactly, they describe in a detailed and practical way.