TRUMPF. Global player, hidden champion and innovation leader in laser technology and metal processing. The internationally active company with strong Swabian roots has always been a pioneer in innovative technologies. A company that thrives IN and FROM the future. In 2023 the high-tech organization celebrated its 100th anniversary.
what when why®, as agency partner, organized several genuine century events for the world market leader. Taking into account all the necessary sustainability factors.
“It’s not about presenting our corporate history but about communicating common future prospects!”, was the aspiration for this corporate event for customers and multipliers.
And so TRUMPF decided to have the TRUMPF 100 Customer Gala in the award-winning “Blautopf” (blue pot), the company canteen at TRUMPF in Ditzingen, a building with walls made entirely of glass, (a real challenge for staging events of any kind). It was completely converted for the purposes of the VIP night and guests were invited to come along on a journey with the motto “Walk the Future Gates”.
In close alignment with the company purpose, the event production led guests through the TRUMPF “Future Gates”. The idea of the Future Gates was included in the innovative stage design. 16 LED cubes of different sizes symbolized the gates, and the total surface area provided an impressive view into the past as well as into the future.
A total of 3 acts were staged during the completely immersive and reactive evening program. They stood symbolically for the technological milestones of the past 100 years of innovation history and specifically enabled guests to take a focused look into the future.
Local connectedness, global presence, people and optimism regarding technological solutions for current and future problems were the central focus of the event. Distinguished speakers and an exciting talk on quantum computing (one of TRUMPF’s many innovative future business fields) were greatly appreciated by the audience and shows their commitment to the future.
The Future Gates that guests had to physically pass through at the beginning of the anniversary gala, were converted to something else at the end. In place of the past years and the corresponding technological milestones, guests were now able to see their own reflection in the gates. As part of their joint future with TRUMPF: “Future is what you make of it!”
In addition to the TRUMPF 100 Gala, www also created the TRUMPF 100 Festival and the TRUMPF 100 Family Festival during the anniversary year, to support the communication objectives at TRUMPF the whole year round and to reach all the different target groups.