There are plenty of innovation awards. But if the European Patent Office uses a publicly visible occasion of this kind, the communication strategy, the quality and innovative power of the event must speak a language of its own. Therefore, we laid the foundations for a highly successful and globally closely observed series of annually repeated events in praise of Europe’s most innovative minds.
Even today the automotive industry is still one of the most significant sources of innovation in global economic affairs. Hardly any other environment combines an erstwhile pioneering spirit and the strength of European innovation more powerfully than the Auto-World Museum in Brussels.
European innovation power is sophisticated, entertaining, modern and unmistakable. This was to be demonstrated to 350 international multipliers from the business, industrial, media and political communities, while at the same time providing acknowledgment and praise, from the very top, for inventors and their world-changing innovations.
From the very beginning we followed an innovative communication strategy that was aimed at addressing all the different multipliers with their specific interests. By means of coherently created sets, the award ceremony was clothed in the poshest possible outfit for the occasion.