Estimated reading time:   2 Min.

In their book, the two authors explain in a practical and purposeful way how to create effective communication using modern concepts. “Smart Events are the result of clever, modern, strategically and staged live communication. They optimally combine the possibilities of onsite and online events in terms of better target achievement,” says Carsten Knieriem, describing his view of the format of the future. The mix of analog and digital is based on the overall objectives, the communication goals, the accessibility of the stakeholders and target groups, and the expected duration.

Experience, orientation, information, activation, involvement, emotionalization. From the small target group up to many thousands of participants. Smart Events are faster, more effective, more precisely, more measurable and their impact can be better classified. Particularly in the Corona pandemic, a boost of digitalization took place and has opened the view to extend the classic live communication with meaningful opportunities for digitally supported communication.

The established business model of the event industry has simply been deprived of its foundation after more and more restrictions and finally the prohibition of being allowed to meet in larger groups. The authors have created a guide for the conception and realization of Smart Events – it concludes the book; before that, readers will find practical examples in various event categories and will be able to understand more easily what is behind the term „Smart Events“ based on events that have already taken place.

About the authors: Carsten Knieriem is founder and CEO of the Ludwigsburg agency „what when why“. The agency is one of the leading providers of strategic live communication in Germany. Stefan Luppold is professor at the DHBW Ravensburg, where he heads the course of study “Trade Fair, Congress and Event Management”.

The book is available here:

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